Shared memory
shared memory
How C++ interact with python
- visionnt.exe
- share memory:
- call windows function,
- ex: C:\xxxx\codes\rpc\test_rpc\test_rpc\sm-client.cpp
- RPC:
- use C:\Users\aeexxxx\Downloads\XmlRpcC4Win1.0.15\TimXml\timxmlrpc.h
- python.exe
- share memory:
- use multiprocessing.shared_memory,
- ex: C:\xxxx\codes\rpc\test_rpc\test_rpc\
- RPC:
- use xmlrpc.server.SimpleXMLRPCServer,
- ex: C:\xxxx\codes\rpc\test_rpc\test_rpc\
client -> client: allocate image in share memory
client -> client: grab images to share memory directly
client -> client: fill rpc input, including image, \nimage is represented by a string, share memory name
client -> server: rpc
server -> server: get rpc input, where image buffer \nshould be get by calling share mem function
server -> server: algorithm
server --> client: reply
Ref: How to check share memory usage in windows
I think Accesschk can do this.
From the commandline: accesschk.exe -osv > objects.txt
Search for: “Type: Section”
Ref: Test of several libs
C:\xxxx\codes\anyrpc cmake fails due to missing dependencies
C:\Users\aeexxxx\Downloads\xmlrpc-c-1.51.07 there is vcproject but build fails
C:\Users\aeexxxx\Downloads\xmlrpc++0.7 upgrade vsproj fails
Ref: libs
- Libiqxmlrpc
- Ultra lightweight XML-RPC library for C++
- XML-RPC for C and C++
- XmlRpc++
- XmlRpc C++ client for Windows
- gSOAP toolkit for C and C++ supporting XML-RPC and more
- [libmaia: XML-RPC for Qt/C++](
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