對於tokio codec設計的疑问

對於tokio codec設計的疑问

https://tokio.rs/tokio/tutorial/framing https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42164981/how-to-achieve-zero-copy-in-tokio-coreiocodecdecode

Q1:文章实现了一个Buffered reads,但我想知道有无这个必要?socket内部不是已经有缓冲了吗?这样做在性能上能好多少?

Q2:缓冲写:我理解缓冲写的有效性,但对于它的设计有些担忧 decode函數輸入一個bytemut,函數需要分析是否包含一个足夠的frame。如果不夠,则应该返回ok none。 這個有幾個問題 他如何告訴上層應該讀入多少數據才能繼續decode? 如果上層不停的無效調用decode很無聊


Q3:这是他的还重读的代码,我有个疑问就是如果buffer已经满了,这段代码if 0 == self.stream.read_buf(&mut self.buffer).await?还能读到数据吗?


pub async fn read_frame(&mut self)
    -> Result<Option<Frame>>
    loop {
        // Attempt to parse a frame from the buffered data. If
        // enough data has been buffered, the frame is
        // returned.
        if let Some(frame) = self.parse_frame()? {
            return Ok(Some(frame));

        // There is not enough buffered data to read a frame.
        // Attempt to read more data from the socket.
        // On success, the number of bytes is returned. `0`
        // indicates "end of stream".
        if 0 == self.stream.read_buf(&mut self.buffer).await? {
            // The remote closed the connection. For this to be
            // a clean shutdown, there should be no data in the
            // read buffer. If there is, this means that the
            // peer closed the socket while sending a frame.
            if self.buffer.is_empty() {
                return Ok(None);
            } else {
                return Err("connection reset by peer".into());


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