这里采用的是Yi Ma , Stefano Soatto. An Invitation to 3-D Vision , From Images to Geometric Models 的算法
%// Algorithm 8.1. also 11.7 %// Rank based factorization algorithm for multiview reconstruction %// using point features %// as described in Chapter 8, "An introduction to 3-D Vision" %// by Y. Ma, S. Soatto, J. Kosecka, S. Sastry (MASKS) %// Code distributed free for non-commercial use %// Copyright (c) MASKS, 2003 %// Generates multiple synthetic views of a house and computes the %// motion and structure, calibrated case, point features only %// Jana Kosecka, George Mason University, 2002 %// ====================================================================== close all; clear; FRAMES =3; PLOTS =3; %// transformation is expressed wrt to the camera frame Zinit =5; %// cube in the object frame XW = [011001100. ; 001100111.; 111100000. ; 111111111111]; NPOINTS =12; XC = zeros(4,NPOINTS,FRAMES); %// initial displacement摄像机的初始位置 Rinit = rot_matrix([111],0); Tinit = [ Rinit(1,:) -0.5 ; Rinit(2,:) -0.5 ; Rinit(3,:) Zinit; 0001]; %// first camera coodinates XC(:,:,1) = Tinit*XW; %//画出三维的结构 original motion and 3D structure figure; hold on; plot3_struct(XC(1,:,1),XC(2,:,1),XC(3,:,1)); plot3(XC(1,:,1),XC(2,:,1),XC(3,:,1),'*'); draw_frame_scaled([diag([1,1,1]), zeros(3,1)],0.5); title('original motion and 3D structure'); view(220,20); grid on; axis equal; %// axis off; pause; %// image coordinates 计算第一帧时的图像坐标 xim(:,:,1) = project(XC(:,:,1)); Zmax = max(XC(3,:,1)); Zmin = min(XC(3,:,1)); rinc = pi/30; rot_axis = [100; 0-10]'; trans_axis = [100; 010]'; ratio =1; rinc =10; %// rotation increment 20 degrees Zmid = (Zmax+Zmin)/2; tinc =0.5*ratio*Zmid*rinc*pi/180; ploting =1; for i=2:FRAMES %//计算第i帧的图像坐标xim theta = (i-1)*rinc*pi/180; r_axis = rot_axis(:,i-1)/norm(rot_axis(:,i-1)); t_axis = trans_axis(:,i-1)/norm(trans_axis(:,i-1)); trans = (i-1)*tinc*t_axis; R = rot_matrix(r_axis,theta); %// translation represents origin of the camera frame %// in the world frame T(:,:,i) = ([ R trans; 0001]); %// all transformation with respect to the object frame XC(:,:,i) = T(:,:,i)*XC(:,:,1); %// XW; draw_frame_scaled(T(1:3,:,i),0.5); xim(:,:,i) = [XC(1,:,i)./XC(3,:,i); XC(2,:,i)./XC(3,:,i); ones(1,NPOINTS)]; end; for j =2:FRAMES T_ini(:,j) = T(1:3,4,j); end; %// noise can be added here for i=1:FRAMES xim_noisy(:,:,i) = xim(:,:,i); end %// pause 以下为SFM算法 %//--------------------------------------------------------------------- %// compute initial \alpha's for each point using first two frames only 1)首先用八点算法计算初始的R0,T0(我感觉T0~即1,0帧之间的相对移动~和实际的应该相差常数倍,因此会导致恢复的结构和实际相差常数倍),然后估计lambda。。。 [T0, R0] = essentialDiscrete(xim_noisy(:,:,1),xim_noisy(:,:,2)); for i =1:NPOINTS alpha(:,i) =-(skew(xim_noisy(:,i,2))*T0)'* (skew(xim_noisy(:,i,2))*R0*xim_noisy(:,i,1)) /(norm(skew(xim_noisy(:,i,2))*T0))^2; lambda(:,i) =1/alpha(:,i); end scale = norm(alpha(:,1)); %// set the global scale alpha = alpha/scale; %// normalize everything scale = norm(lambda(:,1)); %// set the global scale lambda = lambda/scale; %// normalize everything %//--------------------------------------------------------------------- %// Compute initial motion estimates for all frames %// Here do 3 iterations - in real setting look at the change of scales iter =1; while (iter <5); for j =2:FRAMES P = []; %// setup matrix P for i =1:NPOINTS a = [kron(skew(xim_noisy(:,i,j)),xim(:,i,1)') alpha(:,i)*skew(xim_noisy(:,i,j))]; P = [P; a]; end; %// pause [um, sm, vm] = svd(P); Ti = vm(10:12,12); Ri = transpose(reshape(vm(1:9,12)',3,3)); [uu,ss,vv] = svd(Ri); Rhat(:,:,j) = sign(det(uu*vv'))*uu*vv'; Ti = sign(det(uu*vv'))*Ti/((det(ss))^(1/3)); That(:,j) = Ti; True = T(1:3,4,j); end %// recompute alpha's based on all views lambda_prev = lambda; for i =1:NPOINTS M = []; %// setup matrix M for j=2:FRAMES %// set up Hl matrix for all m views a = [ skew(xim(:,i,j))*That(:,j) skew(xim(:,i,j))*Rhat(:,:,j)*xim(:,i,1)]; M = [M; a]; end; a1 =-M(:,1)'*M(:,2)/norm(M(:,1))^2; lambda(:,i) =1/a1; end; scale = norm(lambda(:,1)); %// set the global scale lambda = lambda/scale; %// normalize everything iter = iter +1 end %// end while iter %// final structure with respect to the first frame XF = [lambda.*xim(1,:,1); lambda.*xim(2,:,1); lambda.*xim(3,:,1)]; figure; hold on; plot3(XF(1,:,1),XF(2,:,1),XF(3,:,1),'r*'); plot3_struct(XF(1,:,1), XF(2,:,1), XF(3,:,1)); title('recovered structure'); view(220,20); grid on; axis equal; %// axis off; pause;