SRC=$(wildcard '*.c')
test: $(SRC)
gcc -o $@ $^ $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
$@ is the target i.e. test
$^ is the list of pre-requisites for the rule (which in this case is the expanded wild card list as specified in SRC=$(wildcard '*.c'))
SRC=$(wildcard '*.c') it's a file matching wildcard.
All such variables are explained in the Automatic variables page of the GNU make manual.
a makefile to compile all C source files in the directory and then link them together could be written as follows:
objects := $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard *.c))
foo : $(objects)
cc -o foo $(objects)
$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard *.c)) it can change the list of C source files into a list of object files by replacing the ‘.c’ suffix with ‘.o’ in the result,
$(wildcard *.c) it can get a list of all the C source files in a directory